Fulfilled Horsemanship Philosophy

In connectetness and serenity, we want to permanently develop agility and strength in the horse with impulsion and variation.

Our intention is to maintain and promote our own health, but especially the health of our horses.

Ultimately, we want to experience joy and fulfillment, which in turn deepens the connection to ourselves and our horses..

It is our intention to support a horse in its development so that it can carry its rider expressively. The riding itself should serve for the health and well-being of horse and rider. With great responsiveness a horse should be skilful and agile. A rider should be proud and deeply satisfied with herself and her horse.
When riding, interaction with the horse is a dialogue in the form of a whole-body experience. The connections between rider and horse are mainly seat and reins. Dialogue means communication in both directions: From man to horse and from horse to man. We therefore do well to train ourselves not only in acting, but above all in feeling. Or even more concretely: Whoever has something to say must be able to listen.
From a purely technical point of view, we are clearly oriented towards classical riding training, which has grown over centuries and is oriented towards the health of horse and human being.
We have symbolically summarized the meaning and values – our intellectual orientation – in the “8 elements of fulfilled riding”.